Crème brûlée

creme brulee

I used to say I didn’t like crème brûlée but, after I bought a blow torch and upon much insistency of my Taste Tester (who have always loved it), I decided to have a go. And I loved it!

I have found many recipes – some quite fiddly, some didn’t sound right (Nigella’s version is made entirely on the stove top!). Then I remembered that my fellow blogger Fiona, of La Petite Gourmande Anglaise, had posted a recipe for it that sounded quite simple. And so it was settled (hello, I’m still me! :P).

(slightly adapted from La Petite Gourmande Anglaise)

4 egg yolks
75g caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
500ml double cream
some demerara sugar for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 180°C. Sit 4 ramekins in a deep roasting tin.
Pour cream into a pan. Open vanilla pod lengthways and scrape seeds into cream. Drop vanilla pod in as well and set aside.
Whisk yolks and caster sugar until thick (about 1 minute).
Put pan with cream on a medium heat and bring almost to the boil. Take pan off the heat, remove pod and pour hot cream into egg mixture, whisking as you go.
Pour mixture into ramekins and fill roasting tin with hot water up to 2/3 of ramekins. Put tin in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes (the crèmes should wobble a bit like a jelly in the middle).
Lift ramekins out of the tin, sprinkle demerara sugar on top and use the back of a spoon to spread it evenly. To caramelise the sugar use a blow torch, holding the flame just above the ramekins and moving it round and round, until all sugar is burnt. Serve immediately or within an hour.

creme brulee

17 responses to “Crème brûlée

      • I have not had any of the flavored ones. I love the simple but delicious flavor of custard so I don’t know if I would like other flavors as much. It just wouldn’t be crème brûlėe! 🙂


    • It is actually quite easy, Nat. And quick. People find it impressive maybe because of the crunchy caramel top – or maybe just because of the French name. But in the end it’s just baked custard! 😉


  1. I love your creme brulee!
    Bravissima Erika, se eravamo più vicine venivo ad assaggiarla!
    Mi piacerebbe rifare la tua ricetta!
    Se mi viene bene… la pubblico!
    un abbraccio


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